


Solo show of the cele­bra­ted Ame­ri­can artist from Los Ange­les, pre­sen­ting 23 of her works, which have not been seen yet before eit­her in Ger­many or in ano­ther show.

29 Sep­tem­ber 2016 – 7 Janu­ary 2017

On 29 Sep­tem­ber begin­ning at 6pm the artist will be per­for­ming a live pain­ting with the famous London-based model Vin­cent Litt­le­hat, the exhi­bi­tion opens at 8 pm. All are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gallery.

The ZDF heute jour­nal has repor­ted about the exhi­bi­tion. Please click here.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


Since her inter­na­tio­nal bre­ak­th­rough in 2010, the Los Angeles-based, Ame­ri­can artist Alexa Meade (born 1986) has become a shoo­ting star on the inter­na­tio­nal art scene by exhi­bit­ing and per­for­ming in every inter­na­tio­nal metro­po­li­tan art cen­ter. Through her uni­que approach to pain­ting , she trans­forms people and objects into two­di­men­sio­nal images of them­sel­ves, crea­ting a pain­terly inter­pre­ta­tion of the objects directly on their sur­faces then recor­ding it in a pho­to­graph. The result ques­ti­ons our visual under­stan­ding, making us reconsider our own per­cep­tion and the gene­ral truth of images.
The works in this exhi­bi­tion have not been seen yet before eit­her in Ger­many or in ano­ther show, which is why this collec­tion is entit­led “Pre­mie­res.” Limited fine art prints will be exhi­bi­ted from various period of this artist’s career, such as, all eight works from the Details maga­zine series, shot by the Bri­tish pho­to­gra­pher Lacey, will be shown toge­ther for the first time. The Swiss artist SEVEN was the model for three of the prints from the street art series. Signi­fi­cantly, four of her most recent works will be on exhi­bit, “After Cra­nach” (2015), “Just Cuban Sun” (2015), “Made Up” (2016) und “Pro­po­sal: Out to the Streets” (2016). During the shoot of the “Pro­po­sal: Out to the Streets,” a spe­cial moment was cap­tu­red when the model sur­pri­sed his girl­fried with a proposal.
