
Maximilian Wagner Titel.jpg

Maxi­mi­lian Wag­ner: Kallisto

Stu­dio exhi­bi­tion of the Munich per­for­mance artist con­sis­ting of 4 video works and 10 photographs.

9 April 2015 – 21 April 2015

On 9 April begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist will be pre­sent.
Intro­duc­tory lec­ture by the Munich aut­horess Bet­tina Blu­men­berg, lec­tu­rer at the Aca­demy of Fine Arts, Munich

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:

Maxi­mi­lian Wag­ner: Kallisto

Kal­listics is dea­ling with the theory of mere beauty. And if some­thing was done pro­perly, it won’t look ridi­cu­lous at all, will it? The video and photo works of the show “Kal­listo” are meant to be a pro­duc­tion of fur­ther sen­si­ble proofs for the the­sis that ever­y­thing can be seen in the per­spec­tive of aes­the­tics. For Maxi­mi­lian Wag­ner and the visi­tors his oeu­vre enclo­ses the time before and after, the ten­sion exten­ding from the not yet expe­ri­en­ced to an intense after­ef­fect. Four video works – „Baby­face“, „Froh Eltern wer­den“, „Knack­laute“ and „Nut­zer“ – and some sepe­rate photo works are pre­sen­ted in this con­text as pure affects of per­cep­tion.
The artist Maxi­mi­lian Wag­ner (born 1986 in Haus­ham, Bava­ria) atten­ded the Fach­hoch­schule für Gestal­tung, Ham­burg, 2005–2007, the Hoch­schule der Künste, Bern, 2009–2010, and belongs to the sub­ject area “sculpting”, class of Pro­fes­sor Her­mann Pitz, at the Aca­demy of Fine Arts, Munich, from 2010. 2012–2013 he assis­ted the con­cept artist Wolf­gang Flatz, Munich. Apart from the regu­lar atten­dance to the annual Aca­demy Exhi­bi­ti­ons (2010–2014) and the group show “Gol­den Shower” (2010–2013) Maxi­mi­lian Wag­ner is well known to the public for his video exhi­bi­tion “Wir sind zu ähn­lich” at the Aca­demy Gal­lery 2012, for his par­ti­ci­pa­tion at the Aich­ach Art Award 2013 as well as for the pre­sen­ta­tion of the video “Nut­zer” as part of an exhi­bi­tion of the art stun­dets group “Rounda­bout”.