

die­mut von funck │ let the suns­hine in …

The Munich pho­to­gra­pher Die­mut von Funck, who trai­ned at the Pra­gue Photo School in Linz/Austria, shows seven works that cele­brate the light­ness of sum­mer — sea, rol­ling fields, a café by the lake, orchids – and, due to their for­mal inde­pen­dence, invite the viewer to a cogni­tive as well as emo­tio­nal dis­cus­sion.

8 July 2021 – 31 July 2021

On 8 July begin­ning at 6 pm all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist is pre­sent.
The offi­cial dis­tance and hygiene rules apply.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:

die­mut von funck │ let the suns­hine in …

Sum­mer, sun, light – like a breeze, the fine art pho­to­graphs by Die­mut von Funck invite you to immerse your­self, awa­ken an atmo­s­phere of light­ness and trans­pa­rency, explore what “could be”, far away from our rea­lity. Moments of the unex­pec­ted arise beyond clear defi­ni­ti­ons, colors and shapes dis­solve, appeal to the viewer to accept these ciphers as memo­ries of flee­ting moments of hap­pi­ness and to rein­ter­pret them, to work out the visual expe­ri­ence tho­roughly using proac­tive per­cep­tion.
The seven works shown in this stu­dio exhi­bi­tion have lar­gely become for­mally inde­pen­dent, eit­her as a macro sec­tion, through the move­ment of the camera, the image motif or through its rever­sal as a reflec­tion on the sur­face of the water. As a result, Die­mut von Funck, who recei­ved her artistic trai­ning at the Pra­gue Photo School in Linz/Austria, crea­tes a poly­chrome pic­to­rial rea­lity that explo­res the boun­dary bet­ween depic­tion and abstrac­tion and deri­ves aes­the­tic bene­fits from the trans­for­ma­tion