
Cele­bra­ting one year at the new loca­tion 12 June 2014 — 12 June 2015

On 12 June 2015 the opening of my gal­lery at the new loca­tion Schleiß­hei­mer Straße 44, 80333 Munich, marks the first time. On this occa­sion, selec­ted works of all solo shows will be pre­sen­ted from 12 to 20 June. Look for­ward to works by Ina Otzko, Alexa Meade, Loreen Hinz, Tadao Cern, Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo, Sonja Her­pich, Julia Thal­ho­fer and Eva Gantar.
The cur­rent show “JOHN BALDESSARI, WILL YOU CURATE MY SHOW?” by Mag­da­lena Wos­inska is still open.

12 June 2015 – 20 June 2015

On 12 June begin­ning at 6 p.m. all are invi­ted to cele­brate this anniversary!

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show: