


With 27 works by Käthe deKoe, Jana Erb, Verena Frensch, Eva Gantar, Sonja Her­pich, Loreen Hinz, Robert Kess­ler, Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo, Alexa Meade, Ina Otzko, Steffi Pusch, Julia Thal­ho­fer, David Wald­man, Sebas­tian Weise, Laura Zalenga.

21 Novem­ber 2013 — 18 Janu­ary 2014

On 21 Novem­ber 2013 begin­ning at 7 p.m. all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. Several artists will be present.

The show has been exten­ded until 28 Janu­ary 2014!

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:

About Us

Loca­ted in close pro­xi­mity to Munich’s Alte Pina­ko­thek, the Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy has focu­sed on con­tem­porary art by young pho­to­graph­ers, with great empha­sis on high-quality, sophisti­ca­ted art­work. The port­fo­lio com­pri­ses pro­mi­sing new­co­mers from Ger­many (espe­cially from Munich), but also high-level inter­na­tio­nal artists with media pre­sence. Expe­ri­men­tal pho­to­gra­phy will be taken into account as well as cross-genre art forms such as instal­la­ti­ons, mul­ti­me­dia art, video per­for­man­ces etc.

The fol­lo­wing artists are cur­rently rep­re­sen­ted by the gallery:

Tadao Cern (Vilnius/Lithuania)
Käthe deKoe (Munich/Germany)
Verena Frensch (Munich/Germany)‘
Die­mut von Funck (Munich/Germany)
Eva Gantar (Vienna/Austria)
Loreen Hinz (Leipzig/Germany)
Josef Karl (Munich/Germany)
Giu­seppe Lo Schiavo (London/United King­dom)
Alexa Meade (Los Angeles/United Sta­tes)
Valen­tina Mura­b­ito (Berlin/Germany)
Steffi Pusch (Crowborough/United King­dom)
Ugo Ric­ci­ardi (Turin/Italy)
Ste­fan Schu­ma­cher (Munich/Germany)
Peter Unter­mai­er­ho­fer (Mitterskirchen/Germany)
Kor­bi­nian Vogt (Munich/Germany)
Sebas­tian Weise (Halle/Germany)
Mag­da­lena Wos­inska (Los Angeles/USA)

In the pre­mi­ses are to be held in an appro­xi­mately five– to six-week cycle solo or group exhi­bi­ti­ons with artists rep­re­sen­ted by the gal­lery. The prints offe­red in the port­fo­lio and repea­tedly orde­red works are made on demand and are usually avail­able wit­hin a few days.