
DIV_Vorhang_klein a.jpg


The exhi­bi­tion shows 21 pho­to­gra­phic works by the Bad Homburg-based photo artist Vero Bie­lin­ski as a cross-section of her series Brook­lyn Hips­ters and DIVERSITY. In her hips­ter series from 2012/13, which was also publis­hed as an artist book, she por­trays an urban, super­fi­cial and consumer-oriented sub­cul­ture, full of a lon­ging for indi­vi­dua­lity, while the prot­ago­nists of her DIVERSITY series play with out­da­ted role models and gen­der cli­chés — an “in bet­ween”, that goes beyond soci­ally ingrai­ned ste­reo­ty­pes and lights up in the pic­tures in a refres­hin­gly natu­ral way.

14 Sep­tem­ber 2022 – 8 Octo­ber 2022

On 14 Sep­tem­ber at 6 pm all are invi­ted to the opening recep­tion at the gal­lery. The artist is present.

The fol­lo­wing works are pre­sen­ted in the show:


Brook­lyn Hips­ters   Vero Bie­lin­ski (b. 1988, Bad Hom­burg) embarks on a jour­ney into the micro­cosm of the hips­ter pheno­me­non. Hips­ters — an urban, super­fi­cial and consumer-oriented sub­cul­ture, full of a lon­ging for indi­vi­dua­lity, which has its origins in New York. Fashion is its stron­gest means of expres­sion. They use the street as a stage to see and be seen. With expres­sive por­traits and aes­the­tic snap­shots, Vero Bie­lin­ski shows the sen­si­ti­vi­ties of indi­vi­du­als who strive for uni­quen­ess but alre­ady wear a uni­form.
DIVERSITY  The cha­rac­ters depic­ted in Vero Bielinski’s pho­to­graphs impres­si­vely demons­trate that the world is colour­ful, diverse and com­plex. The people por­trayed play self-confidently with out­da­ted role models and gen­der cli­chés, and an “in bet­ween” that goes beyond soci­ally ingrai­ned ste­reo­ty­pes lights up in the pic­tures in a refres­hin­gly natu­ral way. Vero Bielinski’s pho­to­graphs are some­ti­mes just as shrill as their prot­ago­nists — uni­que pie­ces where the details mat­ter, always power­ful and posi­tive. They are artistic in the best sense of the word, as well as poli­ti­cal at the same time. The pro­ject shows por­traits of non-binary gen­der­queer sce­nes, trans­gen­der people and their activists from New York, San Fran­cisco, Oak­land, Ber­lin and Frank­furt am Main.
(Text by Chris­tian Kauf­mann)

“It is import­ant to come clean and to keep showing ever­yone that diver­sity is rea­lity and the key to a balan­ced, diverse and strong coexis­tence. Instead of get­ting off and retrea­ting, people need to come toge­ther, share their values ​​and shape the world. It takes cohe­sion, sup­port and cou­rage. Cou­rage to expe­ri­ment, cou­rage to be dif­fe­rent, cou­rage to be indi­vi­dual. The exhi­bi­tion mainly shows por­traits of activists from various gen­der­queer com­mu­nities who are com­mit­ted to queer rights. I want to fill a gap in under­stan­ding to coun­ter dis­cri­mi­na­tion. The pic­tures show the energy and intense joie de vivre that ema­na­tes from play­ing with female and male attri­bu­tes. There’s a lot to dis­co­ver!” (Vero Bie­lin­ski).