
The pho­tos of Ame­lie Satz­ger (born 1995) reveal an artfully-arranged visual world, whose motifs also always include auto­bio­gra­phi­cal reflec­tions. Satz­ger, who star­ted working as a model in 2012, has shown her own pho­to­graphs to the public with incre­a­sing fre­quency since 2014 and — like almost all young pho­to­graph­ers — uti­li­zes pho­to­blogs and social media. Her point of depar­ture is pre­do­mi­na­tely her own per­son. By inser­ting her­self as a pixie-like vision in atmospherically-dense loca­ti­ons that she has per­so­nally visi­ted, Satz­ger crea­tes a fairytale-like nar­ra­tive for sce­nes full of charm that oscil­la­tes bet­ween dream and rea­lity. Yet, as men­tio­ned before, a back refe­rence to her own life is always con­tai­ned ther­ein. A num­ber of cur­rent works from her rep­re­sen­ted port­fo­lio dating to the spring of 2015 arose from Satzger’s invol­ve­ment in a volun­teer pro­ject in Nepal only a few months before the devas­ta­ting earth­quake. In these pho­to­graphs, land­scapes and humans melt toge­ther into sur­real, inte­rior pla­ces of yearning that con­jure up arche­typal, vir­tually Arca­dian sce­nery and are inspi­red by a ten­der, lyri­cal atmo­s­phere. The aura of the enchan­ted also dis­tin­gu­is­hes Satzger’s remai­ning work in which its own sen­ti­ments and expe­ri­en­ces are trans­la­ted into an inti­mate, dream-like imagery which rea­ches beyond ratio­nal com­pre­hen­sion.
Ame­lie Satz­ger, who has alre­ady attrac­ted a sub­stan­tial fan­base across net­works, is part of the young gene­ra­tion of pho­to­graph­ers that is influ­enced by the direc­tor Tim Bur­ton and the Twi­light film series, as well as the English pre– Raphae­lite Brotherhood’s aes­the­tic and sym­bo­lism. This young gene­ra­tion pro­ces­ses these influ­en­ces into its own form of expres­sion and dimi­nis­hes for­mal aspects for the bene­fit of the visua­liza­tion of emo­tio­nal dri­ving forces. The Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy is plea­sed to be able to offer — for the first time — limited edi­tion pho­to­graphs by this young Munich-based artist.

Cur­ri­cu­lum Vitae
1995 born in Munich, Bavaria.
2012– activi­ties as model and photographer
2014– stu­dies of photo-design, Hoch­schule München
2015 volun­tee­ring in Nepal com­bi­ned with a photo project
Ame­lie Satz­ger lives and works in Munich
2015 Caro­lina Heber­ling: „Gro­ßes For­mat”, (12/27/2015, also print ver­sion, No. 298 from 12/28/2015, regio­nal part of Munich, p. R6)
„Olymp“, in: The Storm Maga­zine Issue 08 (12/7/2015)
Matthew Rycroft: “The Tra­vel­ling Sto­ry­tel­ler with Ame­lie Satz­ger”, (11/3/2015)
Sabine: “Ame­lie Satz­ger, an upri­sing ger­man pho­to­gra­pher”, (8/21/2015)
Ame­lie Satz­ger: “Ver­su­che Glück”, (7/5/2015)
„Sub­mis­sion by Ame­lie Satz­ger“, (4/24/2015)

Ame­lie Satzger


My pho­to­graphs are my diary. My camera is my pen with which I trans­late sto­ries and sen­sa­ti­ons into images, some­ti­mes also emo­ti­ons that could never be ade­qua­tely expres­sed through words. My Canon is always with me when I tra­vel, and I try to cap­ture the magic that is embed­ded in some moments and make it visi­ble to others. The con­nec­tion bet­ween nature and man is mostly the focus through which my motifs occa­sio­nally have mys­ti­cal over­to­nes. All in all, my sub­jects have a strong auto­bio­gra­phi­cal influ­ence and whoever con­fronts my visual crea­ti­ons, learns a great deal about my con­cep­tual world as a pho­to­gra­pher.“ (Ame­lie Satzger)