
Kunst­raum LOT

The Ingo Seu­fert gal­lery has been hos­ting the LOT art space pro­ject in its rooms since April 2021. Kunst­raum LOT is a net­work, plat­form and space for con­tem­porary art. Eight Munich artists have come toge­ther for this and invite you — to look at it, to lin­ger, to talk and to purchase art. The cura­ted exhi­bi­ti­ons in 2021 show works by the artists par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the LOT art space. Guest artists are also invi­ted on selec­ted topics. Kunst­raum LOT exhi­bits with Ingo Seu­fert — Gal­lery for Con­tem­porary Pho­to­gra­phy at times toge­ther, but mostly inde­pen­dently of each other.

Kunst­raum LOT cur­rently inclu­des the fol­lo­wing artists: Lore Galitz, Ulla von Gem­min­gen, Berit Opelt, Rosa Quint, Elke Reis, Edith Stei­ner, Maria Vinuesa, Liz Wal­in­ski.

The fol­lo­wing plat­forms pro­vide infor­ma­tion about the activi­ties of Kunst­raum LOT:

Web­site: www.kunstraum-lot.com

Face­book: www.facebook.com/KunstraumLOT

Ins­ta­gram: www.instagram.com/kunstraum.lot/

Exhi­bi­tion venue

Ingo Seu­fert Gal­lery
Kunst­raum LOT
Schleiss­hei­mer Strasse 44
80333 Munich
Tel. +49 89 46135756
Mobile +49 172 8375393
E-Mail mail@kunstraum-lot.com

Opening hours

Wed – Fri 2 – 7 pm
Sat 11 – 3 pm

and by appointment